tirsdag 20. august 2013

a few preparations in advanced.

'I want to be a writer when I grow up' she wrote in her daisy and horse covered diary.

It was as clear as the bright blue sky, and to this day, it still is. I am going to have to purchase myself one of those old fashioned typewriters to start off with; I am not the kind of gal who embrace new technology. I don't fancy typing on fancy thingys, whatever they might be. Besides computer screens tends to pay back with headaches for the quality time I offer.
I wouldn't mind a deliciously leather scented A4 sized journal accompanied with a smooth scrolling pen if it weren't for the wrist pains.

With this typewriter I would write all sorts of works; perhaps a memoir of my lost granddad( he was awesome), a personal opinionated article or perhaps a opening for a novel named Steve.
The one downside by using a typewriter would be the future paperwork, all the organising. I would need to get my hands on a metal archive drawer, which would have to be organised alphabetically in advance.

It sounds swell.... almost romantic. Finally things will be in order for me to spew out meaningful and powerful words that would baffle by few, yet supportive readers.

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