tirsdag 20. august 2013

Professional Writing.


Media Release

Earlier today Federal Environment Minister Brear announced the protections and the concessions of the Waraki heritage. 50,000 hectares of the area will be protected and listed on the National Heritage Listing, whilst 20,000 hectares are to be opened for two new mines.

The Waraki in the north-western area corner of Tasmania has been a mining magnet over the last few years. It has to some extend helped the state's economy. But today's results show that our state's economy is in recession.
Federal Environment minister Celeste Brear value the Waraki heritage,but see one solution to how we can get in on the mining boom that the rest of the states have access to, and to be able to receive some economic growth. The Waraki area covers around 450,000 hectares.Even though most of the area are designated conservation areas and national park ,70,000 of these hectares belong to the Sate Forest, which means that they are available for mining and logging.
Conservation groups have recognised the areas value and all its wilderness so due to requests it has been decided that the whole area is to be given to National Heritage Listing, except for 20,000 hectares which will be opened to two new mines. These two mines will be the Sinelco Tin Mine and the Cinto Gold mine.
"We do value the land and heritage of the Waraki, but the need of economic growth needs to be considered as well." Federal Environmental Minister Brear announced, and continues;
'the Federal Government can also see economic benefits in protecting the rest of the Waraki and they will create a new category of environmental business grants that will be open to eco-tourism operators in Waraki"

The Nationl Heritage Listing of the rest of the Waraki comes in preparation for a Federal Government application to UNESCO for the Waraki to get International World Heritage Listing. The Federal Government will submit this application to the United States in November.

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